Q & A
Here are some frequently asked questions about INTEGIRLS Chicago. If you have any other questions, please contact us through chicago@integirls.org.
Can only girls and non-binary people comfortable being grouped with girls participate?
Yes, INTEGIRLS Chicago is a competition for girls and nonbinary students. If you do not identify as an underrepresented gender in STEM, we encourage you to check out other opportunities to get involved with INTEGIRLS-- including volunteering!
I have no experience in math competitions? Can I and should I attend?
Of course! There is no amount of math experience required to attend this competition. Whether you're a beginner or a math team veteran, INTEGIRLS Chicago will provide an enriching math experience at all levels. In the past, many people have stated that INTEGIRLS was their entrance into the math world and many didn't have any idea how to do math competitions before they attended the event. With exciting events ranging from standard individual rounds to relays, we hope to host competitions with many opportunities to engage in math in many different forms!
Where can I find problems/solutions to an INTEGIRLS Competition?
Answers and solutions to recent competitions usually take 1-2 months to be released as other chapters must complete their competitions before we can post answers online. We are working towards creating an online database of problems/solutions from competitions in previous years for your personal use!
How can I contribute?
There are so many ways to help out! You can donate to the INTEGIRLS nonprofit or apply to join our board. Board applications are opened to high schoolers every year around March-April after the Spring Competition. Feel free to email us to receive more information on how you can help out.
When and how many competitions will be hosted each year?
We host two competitions per school year: one in the fall and one in the spring! Stay in touch for more specific dates, times, and locations and check out our Recent News section on the Home Page.