Contest Information

Competition Format

Individual Round

Individual Rounds consist of 30 problems to be completed in 60 minutes, where all answers are single values.  Your individual score is counted by the total number of questions answered correctly.

The average of the top 2 individual scorers of each team will contribute to the total team score.

Team Round

Team Rounds consist of 15 problems to be completed by working together with your team in 30 minutes, where all the answers are single values. 

Each problem is worth 1 point contributing to the total team score.

Relay Round

There will be two 10 minute relay rounds. 

Teams will be arranged in a line in a chosen order (1-4), with members reasonably spaced apart from one another (NO TALKING!). Every member receives 1 problem to answer based on your ordering, but here's the catch! Once the first member answers their question, you are to pass your answer and ONLY your answer to the second person. The second person will need a numerical answer from the first person to complete their question and will then pass their answer to the third person, and so on. The fourth and final person will be in charge of turning in an answer sheet for all 4 problems once time is called. 

If your team has less than 4 members, you will decide which member(s) should receive more than one problem in whatever distribution you'd like (e.g. first person will take P1+P2, second person takes P3, third person takes P4).

Each problem is worth 1 point contributing to the total team score.

Estimathon (bonus event!)

Let's put your estimation skills to the test! 

Estimathon won't contribute to your team score; however, there will be separate prizes for the top 2 Estimathon teams. 

Official Rules Document:

2024 Chicago INTEGIRLS Rules Sheet